About Me

(in about 658 words)


I am currently a graduate student at NYU studying interactive telecommunication(ITP). I worked as a software engineer at Hughes Network System. I am a creative person and love to make innovative products. I am particularly interested in developing software that impacts people's daily lives. I am also an artist who loves oil paint and interactive light design. If you want to chat with me, feel free to get in touch.


At ITP, I have learned how to design user-center products and bring that kind of product into reality, use micro controllers and sensors, understand computer networks, develop web pages using the latest frameworks, train and deploy machine learning models into javascript, and of course how to be a better coder. I primarily work as a software engineer but have broad experience across microcontroller and product design.

My Story

  • My parent bought a computer in 2005 when I was 11 at that time. I played a lot of computer games at that time and my parent try to keep me from playing games so they set a password. I remember that is the Windows XP era.
  • Also at that time, I tried to crack the password by learning hacks and how the computer system works. And surprisingly, it worked! At first, they don't believe I cracked the password and thought I guess it so they changed the password again lol. And I cracked it again. That is when my interests in computer science and programming grow.
  • In college, I am enrolled as a computer science major and double degreed studio art at the University of Maryland. During my undergraduate, I worked as a research assistant at Autonomy Cognition Lab and helped researchers use body tracking.
  • During my undergraduate, as I programed more. I realized that programming is very similar to art. Programming also tries to create something from an empty text editor with all these beautiful algorithms and data structures. The context might be different from painting but the thought process shares a similarity.
  • After college, I worked as a software engineer at Hughes to develop and maintain a large-scale network management system for satellite internet connections. That is the time I realize so-called self-actualization that I can make contributions to the world and make it a better place even though my offering is very slight. That is the anchor for me to continue working hard as a programmer throughout all these years.
  • Then I thought about grad schools, I do not see myself as a researcher in computer science but I saw myself as a maker to develop software and products. That is the main reason I choose ITP at NYU and luckily, I got in.
  • This program was founded by Red Burns 40 years ago. It has a rich history and amazing professors. Now I am here working on projects with fantastic people from all kinds of backgrounds which is really like a playground for people who are enthusiastic about tech and the user experience and using technology to enrich people’s lives. I am also working as a software engineer at our IT department to create ITP's content-sharing platform for students to present their amazing projects and exchange ideas.
  • Every steps I took matters to me and my future goal is to live the rest of my life as the best of my life as a programmer, a maker, an artist, and a world citizen to make this world a better place.

I like

  • Programming
  • Microcontrollors
  • Baksetball
  • Cooking
  • Reading

Fun facts

  • I have a cute maltese dog named Peppa.
  • I transfered from a Chinese high school to an American high school called Richard Montgomery High School at 16.
  • I am a foodie but also a good cook.
  • I can't locate every country on a map.
  • I am a INFJ-A personality which known to be the rarest personality types of all.

I dream of

  • always finding inspiration.
  • always trying the best.
  • always doing better.
  • always humble.