
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

Binary Clock Light

Binary Clock Light

Built to count time using neopixel lights. You can send anytime in the world to the light from the web client. The light only shows the color combination based on current time. Sort of tells the time isn'it?.

Wine Quality Classifier

Wine Quality Classifier

Self trained a nerual network to classify wine qualityExported the model to tensorflow.js and designed a front end in p5.js.

River Flows

River Flows

A light representing where my heart lies, where my childhood begins,where I find love, where I get lost, and where I will never forget.

Deep Look into RESTful APIs

Deep Look into RESTful APIs

Worte a rest api article to understanding networks class. Explain what is rest and restful and the history of rest. Deep dive into restful apis and their use case.

Face Doodle

Face Doodle

A drwaing of you face using medipeipe's face mesh and javascript.

Hand Gesture Classfication

Hand Gesture Classfication

Collect punch and flex IMU data from the arduino and use these data trained a nerual network to classfiy punch and flex movments then developed a javascript game in p5 and connected the game with the arduino as a controller.

Smile Detector

Smile Detector

Use smile detection algorithm in opencv to track user's smile times. Connected the bot with twitter api to send reminder and gifs to the user and evoke conversations when smiled.

Fruit Light

Fruit Light

A light will show corresponding color of the fruit you touch.